By Ellie Ratliff, Sports Editor
The transition from high school to college can seem overwhelming, especially if you are moving far from home. But there are ways to help make the transition to life here at Hardin-Simmons University smoother and easier to manage. Current HSU students shared tips that helped them during their freshman year, making it the best it could be.
Current sophomore Peyton Hasse shared a few homework and studying tips that helped her during her first year.
“Transitioning from high school to college in regard to homework is a challenge, because you have a lot bigger of a load. It is important to avoid everything piling up and having to pull all-nighters to rush to get it done. Also find a good study place that works for you. It might take several tries, but test out places like your room, the library, a coffee shop, etc. to find out where you can be most efficient in your studying,” Hasse said.
Hasse added onto this with a tip for the classroom.
“Make at least one friend in each class. There will be days when you can’t make it to class, so it is good to have someone you can ask for notes,” Hasse said.
Hasse also had good ideas on how to get further involved and meet new people.
“Get involved in a group whether that is a sport, social club, FCA, church youth group, etc. They’ll become your closest friends and you’ll meet many people through those groups,” Hasse said.
Current junior Elly Green had tips for adjusting to living in the dorms.
“Make your room homey and make sure you get bedbug protectors. Blackout curtains come in really handy when you are trying to sleep in. Also, don’t forget shower shoes,” Green said.
Junior Aly Zingelman also had some wise words about the P.O.D and getting involved on campus.
“Don’t be scared of the P.O.D (Provisions on Demand Cafe), it’s not that hard, but just seems scary. Just get in line and you’ll figure it out. Also getting involved in clubs is really important, as you will meet so many new people this way,” Zingelman said.
We are so glad you are here at HSU and hope you have a great freshman year.