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Spring Graduation By: Brett Briggeman   

With the spring semester coming to a close, it is time to celebrate those who are graduating from Hardin-Simmons University. This year, Commencement ceremonies will be held on May 10, at the Abilene Convention Center (1098 North 6th Street). 

Those graduating from the College of Health Professions, the Holland School of Sciences and Mathematics, and the Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing will have their ceremony at 10 a.m. Those graduating from the Cynthia Ann Parker College of Liberal Arts and the Kelley College of Business and Professional Studies will have their ceremony at 2 p.m. Both of these commencement ceremonies will be live streamed at

Many of the seniors have fond memories of their time at HSU which they were more than willing to share. 

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here at HSU,” Jack Pounds, a senior history major from Colleyville, said. “Some of my highlights from my time here are helping with Stampede and working at the Fletcher Fitness Center. Another big highlight was being nominated for Homecoming King. I felt surprised and honored by the nomination. It showed me that I had made an impact on campus, even if I did not realize it at the time.”

Pounds also served as chaplain for the men's social club Kappa Phi Omega from his sophomore to his senior year. “Being chaplain was such a blessing,” Pounds said. “This allowed me to be a spiritual leader for the club, whether it was praying at our meetings, leading my brothers in learning God’s Word or simply acting as someone they can come to during times of distress for help and guidance.” 

“My time at Hardin Simmons University has truly been a joy,” Elijah Arias, a senior accounting and economics major from San Angelo, said. “There were some difficult challenges and many life lessons learned. Throughout my time here at Hardin-Simmons, I have been able to see so much of the Lord’s hand, even over my mistakes. HSU is its people. I am so thankful for the awesome guys and girls that I have been able to meet who make me laugh, challenge my faith, and humbly go through life with me with an eagerness to learn.”

Arias is also thankful for the many ministry opportunities that he was able to take part in because he was at HSU and in Abilene.

“I serve on my church’s worship team, I serve on the HSU worship team, I am a Baptist Student Ministry leader and a chaplain of my dorm hall, and yet, thankfully, I am just an average guy,” Arias said. “From where I was freshman year to where I am now, I have seen the Lord grow me through my success and failure, through my energy and through my burnout, the Lord has remained faithful and HSU has remained willing to provide ministry outlets.” 

Arias praises God for allowing him to come to Hardin-Simmons and for shaping him while he was here into the man that he is today. 

“I encourage you to walk in the light of God’s love here at HSU,” Arias said. “1 John 1:7 reads that, “If we walk in the light, as God is in the light, that we will have fellowship with one another and that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.” God has so many awesome plans for our lives and we need to be faithful to bring them to the light and to the feet of Jesus. I cannot wait to graduate from the best school around. I am so blessed. Go cowboys.”

Make sure to go out and support our graduates on May 10 at the Abilene Convention Center. Congratulations to you all, and many blessings as you walk into this next chapter of your lives.


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